– Hey Adam, thanks for offering to help me out with this. I have a really interesting new case that you can help me with. You’re gonna get some really good experience. It’s gonna help your career path. So we represent Charles Cooke, and his company, Cooke Enterprises. He’s a great guy, and you’re gonna […]
Read More… from Candor Towards the Tribunal Scene 6: The Pressure for a Refresher
– All right, moving on. How are we looking for the latest brief for our motion? I know we have to e-file in two hours but I need to get this extra argument section in there. – We’re already at 27 pages and I double checked the local rules, and the limit is 25. […]
Read More… from The Professional Lawyer 5 – Page Limits
– Did you look over that new second amended complaint in the Santangelo case? That case is in federal court. Does she still fail to allege all the necessary elements of a wrongful wage garnishment claim? And what about exhaustion of administrative remedies? – I think you should read it. Plaintiff still is not […]
Read More… from The Professional Lawyer 1 – Amended Complaint
– [Supervisor] Before you begin your investigation, take a moment to think about the ethical and professional conduct in the context of the litigation. You will see conduct that some might define as zealous advocacy in the face of a powerful adversary. But I want us to think about whether the conduct is zealous advocacy […]
Read More… from Professionalism in a Deposition
– Hello, my name is Mike Tanner. I’ve spent my entire career as a trial attorney and an active member in Bar Leadership and I’m passionate about promoting professionalism and civility in the practice of law. And what I’d like to do in the next few minutes is have you think about professionalism in a […]
Read More… from Professionalism and Civility in Practice